FMCSA DOT Compliant Recruitng Software
Manage, Hire & Retain more drivers!
All motor carriers must maintain a qualification file for each employed driver. A description of the documents required to be in each driver’s qualification file is included in the following subsections and in 49 CFR 391.51, which also details the document retention requirements.

Required Features
Driver's License or CDL
Onboarding Software to collect a copy of each driver's license or commercial driver's license (CDL), as applicable, to keep in their DQ file. CDLApps allows drivers to easily take a picture or upload from their mobile app directly into their driver application.

Digital Application
All commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers are required to complete a driver application, and a copy of the completed application must appear in their DQ file. The application must contain all of the required data points set forth in Part 391 of the FMCSRs, including, for example, the driver's employment, licensing, and driving history.
Driving History
Each prospective employer of a CMV driver is required to request specific safety performance history information (e.g., employment verification and accident history) from any DOT-regulated employer for whom the applicant worked within the 3 years prior to his/her application with that carrier. Applicants must provide written consent for these requests, and the consents must accompany the requests. Carriers must document their good-faith attempts to obtain this information from the previous employers in the DQ files.

Medical Exam
Drivers are not qualified to operate a CMV in interstate commerce unless they meet the FMCSRs physical qualification standards.
If the driver meets these standards, the examiner will issue him/her a medical examiner’s certificate (a/k/a med card), which is valid for a period of time designated by the medical examiner. The software will automatically alert 30 days before expires.
These documents can easily be uploaded by the driver into their profile
Motor Vehicle Records
Within 30 days after a CMV driver is hired or otherwise engaged, the motor carrier must obtain and review a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) from every state in which the driver has been licensed within the 3 years preceding his/her application date. A copy of the MVR must be kept in the DQ file.

Annual Review
At least annually, carriers must review each driver’s MVR, as well as other information described in 49 C.F.R. 391.25, and complete an Annual Review form to place in the driver’s DQ file as proof that the driver remains qualified to operate a CMV.
CDLApps automatically schedules annual reminders 30 days out to ensure this is never missed.
Road Test
As part of the driver onboarding process, carriers must normally administer a road test to driver-applicants to ensure they can safely operate the types of CMVs that they will be expected to operate for the carrier. Upon successful completion of that road test, the examiner must complete a certificate, a copy of which is to be provided to the driver and another kept by the carrier in his/her DQ file.